How to make a wall mural
DIY Wioleta Kelly DIY Wioleta Kelly

How to make a wall mural

I started noticing a new trend in interiors in passing weeks. Did you know that more and more people decorate their walls themselves rather than relying on wallpapers? I think it’s a wonderful idea. After all, is there anything better than getting creative and showing off with pride what you’ve accomplished by simply using a few sample paint pots? In my books, there isn’t and if you think the same way, keep reading to see how to easily make mural all by yourself!

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How to make an indoor swing
DIY Wioleta Kelly DIY Wioleta Kelly

How to make an indoor swing

About two years ago we knocked downs all the walls around our kitchen and living room to create one big open-space living area. It took me nearly two years to convince my husband that we NEED to do it and when he eventually agreed to it I didn’t wait long to get everything rolling. You know… just in case he changes his mind again. I was planning this huge makeover for so long I knew exactly what and how I wanted to do everything. One of the things I was dreaming of was a swing as extra seating in the living area.

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